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Christmas Blessings!

Mike asked me to take over his column for Christmas. If he was penning this, he would say, it has been a blessed year…

In a year of COVID and a political season that have divided brother against brother, my column is a story of change.

Over two years ago, Josh asked me if I would do a Bible Study/discipleship with him. Honored would be a small word to use, I was blessed. I am blessed by this time with my friend and brother. We have gone through some of the Gospel, Genesis, Acts, Joshua, minor prophets, major prophets, and we are now on Job! Josh has made the call on all our studies. Every choice was perfect for the time we were in. We both enjoyed our time together (even the time when Josh fell asleep because of Josh going all out *totally Josh* at physical therapy and a change in one of his meds).

Every time we got together on FaceTime or Messenger, there is Josh with a Josh smile, ready to go. Kelly or Mike (rock stars) gave me an update on Josh’s week, and then off we went.

Change has been a huge part of our meetings. I see changes in Josh, small sometimes, but now pretty big. At first, it was a slight movement of his foot, to now a shaking of his head for no or eyes up for yes - or a smile when he has pulled one over on me. Josh is always engaging. The person some of the medical staff wanted to give up on is impacting me in a most wonderful way. I am blessed. Meeting online with my brother Josh is a highlight of my week. He is a fighter, and he loves God and people. He is surrounded by a family who love him dearly (mom, dad, sister, brother, in-laws, community group, aunts, uncles, cousins). I get to see a physical change in my friend every week! Josh is the Man!

Josh and I end our time together this way every week…we pray. I pray for Josh’s big three: Talking (it won’t be long), Eating (I’ve told him the first burger is on me) and Walking (just because it’s Josh, this will probably be first). I pray for a Godly woman for Josh and pray for them to walk down the aisle at their wedding. It will happen.

Will you continue to pray for Josh and all the Fohners? In a season where God sent His son, for us, pray for peace, love and healing.

God bless you,


"Fear not: for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the lord" Luke 2:10-11

Merry Christmas from the Fohners

All in for Josh



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All in for Josh  
P.O. Box 112  
Elm Springs,  AR  72728

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