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8 Year Anniversary...What Have We Learned?

Today marks the 8 year anniversary of Josh's accident. All that lay before that moment would be gone forever. And for the first time in our family's lives, we could not think a minute ahead. We were frozen in that moment. All we had was each other and our hope in the Lord. It is in moments like these you come to understand that we are not promised tomorrow. So right here, right now, in whom do you place your matter what the outcome? For us the answer was very clear. "As for me and my house , we will serve the Lord" Joshua 24:15. We have been "All In" ever since.

Over the past eight years we have learned a lot. Here are a couple of bullets from our journey:

  • Your "quality" of life isn't based on wealth, comfort, or ease but in the way you choose to live regardless of your circumstance.

  • You can't avoid pain and suffering but you can avoid misery.

  • The only way you are going to grow is if you are uncomfortable - you have to learn to "befriend discomfort."

  • You will never find your way standing still - press on.

  • If you are making excuses you are not making progress. Excuses don't change a single thing.

  • Do NOT allow nay-sayers in your camp. Send them on their way immediately.

  • "As Ian Thomas says, God doesn't ask us to be sensational - He simply asks us to be a miracle. A miracle is something that cannot be explained apart from Jesus Christ." Tim Hansel

  • LIFE is a Divine gift in whatever form - Don't waste it.

  • Be Grateful always.

  • Choose Joy!

Over the next year we will share more on each of these life lessons. We have even more to share and hope to be able to do that with you in a book we are working on.

Josh Updates!

  • The Baclofen pump that doctors said he would need for the rest of his life was removed this past Spring!

  • Josh attended a song writing retreat in April and wrote a song with Jackson Emmer that will be part of an album to be released this next year.

  • The VA purchased a track chair for Josh that will allow him to go hunting with Heart & Soul Adventures this Fall. He will also be able to get back out on hiking trails.

  • Josh cut an hour and 10 minutes off his time at this year's Summit Challenge at the National Ability Center. Josh rode his YUMI 53.7 miles in 3 hours and 23 minutes.

  • He has begun walking with a platform walker in therapy.

Prayer Requests:

  • Josh's therapy will be reviewed by the VA this Fall. Please pray they continue to provide his therapy.

  • This journey is very lonely.

  • Josh's goals remain to walk and talk.

  • Josh's documentary entitled Paramount.

Thanks for taking the time to read our update. Please share with anyone you think could use it.

All in for Josh!




Thank you for sharing updates and being transparent. Continual prayers for Josh and the family. Specific prayers lifted for your prayer requests. May God continue to give you all strength, comfort, wisdom, discernment, guidance and peace during this challenging journey. In HIS name I pray, Amen 🙏

Donna (Miller) Ledbetter


Shawna Ford
Shawna Ford
Sep 29, 2024

I look forward to updates like this. And thank you for the honesty in making the prayer request that this journey is lonely. Will pray for emotional strength and feeling an uplifting in spirit. Keep reaching forward.


Monica Warren
Monica Warren
Sep 27, 2024

Thank you for taking the time to share and to update. From the moment we heard...our hearts ached. But watching God move--both in miraculous ways concerning Josh's physical recovery and emotional and spiritual ways as y'all share the beautiful truths that matter in life--is a gift to us all. Thank you for being lights in this dark world. You all have our love and prayers. May God continue to provide and strengthen each of you and, most of all, may His Presence be palpable in your midst...for it is His Presence that changes everything.


Michael Turner
Michael Turner
Sep 27, 2024

Love you, Josh. From the days of waking me up at 5 am to go workout til now, you have never ceased to inspire. May the Lord continue to bless your journey.

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All in for Josh  
P.O. Box 112  
Elm Springs,  AR  72728

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