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What Love Does...Update on Josh

The sun had yet to peek over the horizon. The glow from the bedside lamp in Josh's room illuminated a devotional Kelly was reading aloud with Josh as she leaned over the side of his bed. When she finished she folded his hands in her's and began to pray for the day ahead. The prayer included a long list of names of people, some we knew and others, only their story. But they are all people we promised to pray for. When Kelly was done, there was a long silence. It was in that silence that Josh prayed. When he was done he squeezed his mother's hand... "Amen". It is the same routine every morning. It is a sacred time, a special time between a grateful mother and her son. It is precious and intimate. It is born of Faith, it is bathed in Hope, and it is what Love does.

Kelly was interviewed by Fellowship Bible Church for a women's conference this Fall. The theme of the conference was Contentment. For our family, we have learned that in order to find contentment, especially when life deals you the worst, you have to lean into gratitude with your whole heart. I hope you enjoy her interview.

"Not That I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me" Philippians 4:11-13


  • On October 11th our daughter married Alex Hufft. He is wonderful and we are so glad he is part of our family! Alex was Josh's room mate at the time of his accident and a great support for us from the moment we met him.

  • Therapy has been going great. Josh started aquatic therapy two weeks ago. He loves getting back in the water!

  • Josh will return to the National Ability Center in Park City, Utah over Thanksgiving. He was awarded a scholarship for three days of snow skiing. We cannot wait to share pics and videos from the week.

  • The date and route have been set for Josh's epic ride from Buena Vista, CO to Springdale, AR (a mere 900 miles). We will depart June 5th from BV and should arrive in NWA on or about June 20th. Josh would love for you to come ride with us. More information will follow.

  • For more frequent pics and videos, follow Josh on Facebook and Instagram at AllinforJosh.

All in for Josh!


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