3 Years Out

Today is the three year anniversary of Josh’s accident. We had the privilege of spending the past few days visiting with friends from the Town of Buena Vista who provided such love and support those first few days. We attended Clearview Church on Sunday and then attend the BV Strong Community Dinner on Monday. On the way back to Arkansas we met with the neurosurgeon who was the first to treat Josh, Dr. McKisic.
In the midst of all that we took some time at Cottonwood Pass. This picture was taken while Josh took a few moments to be alone to reflect on the past three years. This trip has become our way of marking progress, thanking those who have supported Josh, and remembering how precious life is. We hope you always remember too.
"but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with its imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God." 1 Peter 3:4
Love to all and All in for Josh!