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Update on Josh...August 1st

It has been full month! Trips to the lake, ATL in for Josh event in Atlanta, progress with the standing frame, a special moment at CrossFit Fayetteville, and a new family member!

Our time at the lake was very special. We are grateful for the van! It has opened up a lot of opportunities for Josh. He traveled well back and forth to Alabama this summer. I had the privilege of attending the ATL in for Josh in Atlanta. The Meadows clan pulled off a wonderful evening! Funds raised from the event will go towards the purchase of a Tobii Eye Tracker. We have finally mastered the standing frame and seeing Josh upright is a real blessing! He is not able to stay up long...but remember..."Everyday in every way...we are getting better and better, stronger and stronger!" When folks have not seen Josh in a while, even a couple of weeks, they always share the same thing, they can't get over how much he has progressed.

This past Monday I took Josh to Crossfit Fayetteville. At the end of our routine of range of motion exercises I spotted a set of rings hanging from one of the racks across the gym. I would not have noticed them if it had not been for a story the owner Hiedi told me about Josh and a habit he had. Apparently, Josh would come into the gym and go over and turn on the song Wrecking Ball . Then he would proceed to swing from one end of the gym to the other using the rings hanging from the rafters. That is so Josh. Well...what do you think I did? I wheeled him over to the rings hanging from the rack. I positioned the rings in his hands then backed the chair up enough so his hands would be slightly stretched out in from of him. Now the moment of truth, I asked "Josh, can you pull yourself up?" He did it once, then a second time, and then a third! We were ecstatic!

Now you get to meet Rosie. Our newest family member. She will be Josh's cheerleader, counselor, companion, partner in crime, and all around therapist. She is named for Josh's favorite president, Teddy Roosevelt. Josh's eyes follow her all over the room and he smiles! You will likely be seeing more of her!

Prayer Request:

*We still have not heard anything about Botox treatment or a Baclofen pump. Please continue to pray these come through soon.

*Kelly will start back to work next week. Pray for our transition into that routine.

*Pray for upcoming trial of the driver.

*This Thursday Josh will have some testing done. One of those tests will be a swallow test. Kelly has been practicing with Popsicle, honey, etc... We think he is ready but pray just the same!

*While we were in Huntsville, Kelly's Aunt Helen passed away. We were thankful to be there with family during that time. Our thoughts and prayers are with Uncle Jim, Jimmy, Tina, Chris, Jana, and Tim.

"I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always offering prayer with joy in my every prayer for you all, in view of your participation in the gospel from the first day until now. For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus."

Philippians 1:3-6

All in for Josh!

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All in for Josh  
P.O. Box 112  
Elm Springs,  AR  72728

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