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Update on Josh...July 6, 2017

This pic is one of Josh napping on the dock at the lake. I tell you...the boy can sleep anywhere! This is just one in a long line of naps he has taken on the dock. The time here has been very good. He has enjoyed the constant flow of friends and family, the fireworks, the rain on the tin roof of the boat house. He had a story read to him by my 4 year old great niece. He had close friends drive in from Nashville to spend a couple of days. He even had a small army of family pets to keep him entertained as well as nap alongside of him!

Why are these moments so important to us? It is because we want to make sure Josh knows that we are all going to do everything in our power to help him take his life back. He spent eight months in a hospital bed. I know he had to wonder, "will I ever get out of here?" Our answer, every day in every are getting "better and better, stronger and stronger!" Kelly tells him that a dozen times a day. We believe it and are doing our best to live it out!

One special moment for me occurred about a week ago. We were sitting on the porch together. I was watching and wondering what was going through his head. I am constantly trying to put myself in his shoes so I can better understand how I can help. But in this particular moment I just stopped and moved in close to his face and said, "I love you." I have said it often. But this time his eyes locked in on mine and he smiled. HE SMILED! How can anyone in his circumstance find a reason to smile? And he has started doing it on a consistent basis...when I showed him a funny picture of his mom, when his aunt was cutting up with him, when his mom told him she was treating him to some Kombucha juice in his feeding tube...time and again...he smiles. He is teaching me a lot. The Lord is teaching me a lot.

It was one year ago today that Josh left NW Arkansas and headed out to Colorado. A year ago today, all of our lives changed. It is not a change any of us wanted. It has been painful and hard. But the changes continue and we have to hope that...everyday in every way, we are all getting better and better, stronger and stronger.

"For I know the plans I have for you' declares the Lord, 'plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you,' declares the Lord, 'and I will restore your fortunes..." Jeremiah 29:11-14

Prayer Requests:

Medical-Josh had Botox treatment back in February. It helps his muscles keep from toning too much and allows him to get better range of motion. It really helps maximize his therapy sessions. Every therapist and doctor we have worked with so far has recommended it. Josh was due for his next treatment back in May. The Fayetteville VA has currently denied this treatment even though it has been recommended and performed by the facility Josh came from, The Polytrauma Rehab Center at the San Antonio VA. Pray something changes quickly.

Pray for the purchase of a Tobii Eye Tracker for Josh. He has been using a loaner and he has been more engaged with it than any other device that has been tried. We believe it will become the gateway for Josh to communicate.

Pray for August. Kelly will return to teaching in August. That will be a challenging step for her. Your prayers would be greatly appreciated. Also, I have not shared anything regarding the accident itself and will not do so except this: The person who hit Josh has been charged with "reckless driving with injury." He has plead not guilty. He will go to trial on August 31st unless he accepts a plea deal by August 2nd. We do not have any specific prayer request except to ask for prayers for the family as we will unfortunately have to re-live the events of September 27, 2016. Just the thought of it is brutal for us.

A big THANK YOU to CrossFit Fayetteville for installing an "All In For Josh" ramp on Strong Man Alley. Josh will be back in the gym next week!

ALL In For Josh!

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All in for Josh  
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Elm Springs,  AR  72728

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