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Update on Josh...

I am writing you from a damp screened in porch overlooking a field of southern pines and muddy water. In our last post, my dad shared that we were able to take Josh to the lake for a few days. We never really know how Josh is going to react when we put him in new situations, taking him away from several of the machines and devices that assist Josh throughout the day, and bringing him to our family’s cabin in Scottsboro, AL – where things like Wi-Fi are a luxury. Josh did really well on our last visit, and so we are back here at the lake to celebrate the 4th of July with our entire extended family. Josh is sleeping well and seems to be relaxed. We ask for prayers that Josh continues to do well in this new element so that we can enjoy the lake together as a family for as long as possible!

This cabin has been in our family since 1958. My mother, her siblings and cousins grew up coming here whenever a free moment was available. As kids, Josh, Maggie and I spent summers here with our cousins instigating watermelon fights, bottle rocket wars, and serving as the child labor for the hand crank on the homemade ice cream machine. This is where we learned to swim, learned to ski, made several trips to the E.R., and watched Apollo 13 for the 437th time. We have spent almost every 4th of July and Christmas at the lake with our cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc. for a long as I can remember. To this day, our cousins and aunts and uncles still feel more like brother and sisters and second parents than extended family. This is all thanks to the bonds we have built over the last almost 59 years at the lake.

Several of us are married now with children of own. Instead of making pillow forts in the living room, we now take conference calls and send emails. A lot of things have changed, but the closeness that our family shares has not. Josh did not come to the lake over the 4th last year because he was preparing for his move to Buena Vista. A lot has changed since a year ago. I struggle to accurately express the emotions I feel being here with Josh now. It is not sorrow or sadness but almost a sense that having Josh here makes everything as it should be. But in saying that, there is obviously something missing. I do miss the way Josh’s personality would fill a room or how he would give us all a hard time for the unhealthy food we eat while we are here. All of that to say, that I am so thankful that Josh is here at the lake with all of us and we continue to diligently pray that God will heal Josh in a miraculous way. This place is very special for our family and even more so this year than years past.

I did want to share 2 very cool things that have happened and are happening in the coming weeks. The first was this past weekend. Kelsey and I spent the weekend in Nashville celebrating the marriage of our friends Brandon and Heather. We have been to receptions before where there is a money dance, meaning wedding guests pay to dance with the bride and groom and the money is used to fund a honeymoon or some other fun activity. At Brandon and Heathers reception, they announced that they were going to do a money dance except all the proceeds would go towards helping Josh. I stood there stunned by the incredible generosity of these friends. On their wedding day, they chose to celebrate Josh in a very special way. It was really incredible.

The second is that the Meadow’s Family (cousins on my mother’s side) has decided to throw Josh a fundraiser in Atlanta. This was just another example of friends and family going above and beyond to love on Josh. Here are some details of the event for anyone in the Atlanta area that would be interested in coming.

Location: Scofflaw Brewing Company, 1738 MacArthur Blvd NW, Atlanta, GA 30318

When: Sunday, July 23rd from 5:30-8:00 pm

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” - John 16:33

All In For Josh

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All in for Josh  
P.O. Box 112  
Elm Springs,  AR  72728

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