Update on Josh...Wow!

Early on in our journey we shared that the overwhelming emotion we have experienced has been gratitude. That may seem odd to you...it does to us. But amidst the pain and grief, it has been the love and kindness of friends and strangers that has carried us through. It has allowed us to see the Lord's hand at work in the most difficult of times. At every turn there has been someone or a group of people standing in the gap on our behalf. We have never been alone. For that we wish to say thank you!
I wish you could have been in the van on the drive home from the Fayetteville VA. It was Josh's first chance to look outside at familiar sites. His eyes were lit up like a Christmas tree. He has started vocalizing on a regular basis. Kelly and I are starting to look like an Indy 500 pit crew when it comes to getting him ready to go somewhere. We are certainly improvising but we are figuring it all out.
Last Thursday night was the Josh's Bear Claw Benefit. Folks worked so hard for months getting ready for the event. It was fantastic! So much thought and heart went into every aspect of the evening. We could see Josh woven into the fabric of everything that night. They say there were as many as 350 folks there! All Kelly and I could say was, WOW! If you were not able to attend, here are three links to videos. Thank You!
"Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumberance and the sin that so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of faith..."
Hebrews 12:1-2
All In For Josh