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Update on Josh...Good News! 4/14/17

2000 years ago 4 friends got together and took a chance on hope. They had all heard of Jesus. They had heard some of the things he had been doing...turning water to wine, healing the leper, calming the storm...till finally the stories of His signs and wonders started them thinking,"I wonder if..." It wasn't long before they all reached the same conclusion and put their plan into motion.

"And behold, some men were carrying on a bed a man who was paralyzed; and they were trying to bring him in, and to set him down in front of Him. And not finding any way to bring him in because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and let him down through the tiles with his stretcher, right in the center, in front of Jesus...And seeing their faith, Jesus said..." Luke 5:18-20

Our family has been overwhelmed by so many people who, like the four friends in this passge, have responded to a prompting in their heart and took a chance on Hope. People who have prepared countless meals, provided plane tickets, opened their homes, painted signs and banners, organized events...the list goes on and on. Last Monday in Huntsville, Alabama was very humbling. Thanks to all those who worked so hard to make the evening so very special! Driving back to San Antonio your efforts reminded me of those four men who, in faith, made sure their friend was right there at the feet of Jesus. And like those four men, We look forward to hearing those words, "...Rise, and take up your stretcher and go home."


Last Wednesday Kelly and I were asked to sit in on a special therapy session. They had a Tobii Eye Tracker. It is a device that can read eye movements. Next we saw a picture of Maggie and another of John Michael up on the screen. Josh was asked to find Maggie...then find John Michael. When they replayed the tape a red dot appeared on the screen in the spot where Josh was looking...and on command he looked at Maggie then John Michael. Then the words Yes and No were placed on the screen and the procedure was repeated. Kelly gave the commands first followed by myself. She asked him to look at the word Yes, then No. I asked him to look at the letter "E" in Yes and the letter "O" in No...and YES he sure did...he did it! It was data driven validation of his progress. It was confirmation that Josh was communicating with us!

Today I was on a conference call with the San Antonio and Fayetteville VAs. We are happy to say that Josh will be returning home the first week of May. The exact day of the week is still undetermined. But as soon as all the equipment is in place, we will head back to Arkansas!


*The details in the transition.

*Upcoming events: Spring Classic Frisbee Golf Tournament, Crossfit Fayetteville's Event, and the Bearclaw Benefit.

*Consistency in therapy outcomes.

Happy Easter! He is Risen!

All In For Josh!

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All in for Josh  
P.O. Box 112  
Elm Springs,  AR  72728

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