Update on Josh...2/19/2017
Josh continues to progress. With each day he shows a greater awareness of himself and his surroundings. This past week they put him in a "standing frame" which brought him into a full upright position with the weight of his body resting on his legs. (The first time since September!) The plan is to continue doing this treatment more regularly now. According to the therapists, the purpose of this treatment is to trigger muscle memory - using his body to coach his mind back into shape, something Josh could appreciate.

One noticeable development has come as Josh has had more and more visitors. Some have been life long friends. Some have come from churches in the area. He has even had members of the San Antonio Spurs Silver Stars come and visit. With each of these visits, we see his engagement with us and others increase.
The progress may seem slow to some, but we know it is to be expected with TBI. Whether it was the first time we heard him sneeze, or watching him do leg extensions in his chair, we are thankful for each movement and for each sign of progress. In fact, at this point he has moved every part of his body in one way or another. We owe that in part to all the people who have come and visited with Josh along the way. Thank You!
We ask that you continue to pray for consistency in movement. Pray as well for our family as we prepare for Josh's return to our home in Arkansas. As you can expect, we have a lot to learn and do, but the team in San Antonio is training us well.
"I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well." Psalm 139:14
All in for Josh!