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A Mother's Love...Update 1/8/17

This week before all the cold weather moved in Kelly and I had a chance to take Josh outside into the courtyard for some fresh air and sunshine. Though he has been outside a couple of times since his accident, this was the first time Kelly and I were "un-assisted" by hospital staff. The courtyard is a fairly small area tucked in between several buildings. We decided to move around the corner so Josh could have a clear view of the sky. That's when we realized he hadn't been in the daylight in a while so Kelly ran to the truck to get Joah's sunglasses. I took this picture of the two of them on our field trip.

Over the past 3+ months I have had a chance to witness something that my mind has always known but never fully understood...that is a mother's love. There is no question that Kelly and I both love Josh, but there is something about a mother's love that tips the scale. It is not just in the things she does...but the way she does them. While I am thinking about how to create a spread sheet on Josh's range of motion exercises so we can track his progress, Kelly is simply doing his range of motion exercises with him...sprinkled with sweet kisses and soft words of encouragement. I believe the Lord has woven into a mother's DNA something of the Divine. It is a deep awareness of the presense of the Divine heartbeat that I am sure goes back to the womb. It is real. It is comforting. It heals. It is a precious thing to watch and something my kids and I are very thankful for. Kelly is a blessing.

"Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she smiles at the future. She opens her mouth in wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. She looks well to the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and bless her; Her husband also, and he praises her, saying: "Many daughters have done nobly, but you excel them all".

Proverbs 31:25-29

Josh has been free of pneumonia for almost three weeks! That is the longest he has gone without incident. Thanks for your prayers and we ask you to please continue because he will be sustible for a while. His PT is going very well. He still has strong movement in his left arm. He is moving his right arm more each day. He also moves both of his feet. He has been on a speaking valve for 12 hours each of the past three days. He has not spoken words yet but he is making sounds. Capping trials (capping his trache) will start this next week. His oxygen saturation, pulse, and blood pressure are all good. Our prayer request is for continued protection from pneumonia, emerging conciousness, and the eventual transition back home. Thank you for all your thoughts, prayers, and expressions of support!

All In For Josh!

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All in for Josh  
P.O. Box 112  
Elm Springs,  AR  72728

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