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Cheers to a New Year...

Day 94:

Josh is still in Polytrauma and is currently pneumonia free! We pray that we are done with pneumonia for good! Josh has had a full week of PT for the first time in a while. He is continuing to raise his left arm on a regular basis and is starting to move his legs and right hand slightly. We watch him day after day and hope for small signs of movement. These small changes may not seem like much but to us... Josh is moving mountains.

The program in San Antonio is a 90 day rehabilitation program and at the end of it, Josh will come home. However, if Josh begins showing signs of progress and coming home will limit that progress, he will stay in San Antonio longer. We believe that Josh's best shot at recovery lies in San Antonio and we ask for prayers for continued progress so that he can stay longer. When we were in Colorado, one of the things the doctors told us was that the advantage Josh has is that he is young and he as time. Time is a tricky thing. I have imagined Josh 'waking up' so many times at this point that it seems so ordinary. I think I have come to the realization that it just doesn't happen like that with these types of injuries. Josh will not be in a coma one day and out the next. This will be a very slow emerging process and time should be viewed as a friend and not an enemy. Patience is for the birds. Heres to 2017 and the big things that Josh is going to do this year! (I'm kidding about the patience thing by the way. It's just difficult knowing that this process takes time.)

Several folks have asked about the 'AllInForJosh' shirts. We are currently working on getting more so we will let everyone know when more are available to order. We love seeing pictures of folks wearing their shirts to please send pictures if you would like and we will put them up in Josh's room. Josh now goes to PT in his shirt which is pretty cool.

Several folks have also asked about year-end giving. We are told that the site will be up through the end of January, so if anyone needs/wants to do any year end giving, you can do that through Fellowship Bible Church. Here is a link.

Romans 8:25

"But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently."

All In For Josh

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All in for Josh  
P.O. Box 112  
Elm Springs,  AR  72728

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